What is the NDIS?
The National
Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) gives people
with a disability greater choice and control over the support they receive. It
is a new way of providing eligible people with support tailored to their
personal needs, goals and aspirations.
As an insurance scheme, the NDIS takes
a lifetime approach, investing in people with disability early to improve their
outcomes later in life.
The NDIS helps people with disability to:
· Access mainstream services and supports
including the health and education systems, public housing and the justice and
aged care systems
· Access community services and supports
including sports clubs, community groups, libraries and charities
· Maintain informal support arrangements
including support from family, friends and social support networks
· Receive reasonable and necessary funded
supports including supports related to a person’s disability that is required
for them to live an ordinary life and achieve their goals
What does the NDIS fund?
The NDIS will fund “reasonable and necessary”
supports that are related to your disability and help you to achieve your goals
and aspirations across a range of areas including:
· Daily living
· Home
· Relationships
· Health and wellbeing
· Lifelong learning
· Work
· Social and community participation
· Choice and control
Bio-Assist Industries Peri-Foam and
Clinirest Pressure Care products are funded by the NDIS. For all enquiries,
please contact us on 0449 773 113 or email info@bioassist.com.au